Mental health care network, flows and management: how to care for patients with drug addiction




This article looks at the mental health care network in Brazil, with an emphasis on care for patients with drug addiction. In a country where mental health has gained increasing prominence, drug addiction emerges as a significant challenge, requiring an integrated and effective approach. This literature review seeks to contextualize the evolution of the mental health care network, from its origins to contemporary practices, and to understand how care flows and management impact on the care of patients with chemical dependency. This study aims to analyze the mental health care network in Brazil, focusing on care flows and management strategies for patients with drug addiction. To this end, a systematic literature review was carried out, including articles, theses and reports from health organizations. The results obtained indicate that although Brazil has made significant progress in building a more humanized and decentralized mental health care network, there are still gaps and challenges to be overcome. Integration between the different levels of care and effective coordination of care flows are crucial to ensuring adequate treatment for patients with drug addiction. In addition, network management plays a key role in optimizing resources and promoting evidence-based practices.


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How to Cite

Brunetta, I. de C., Brunetta, L. de C., Santos, C. de O., & Sobrinho, A. G. (2023). Mental health care network, flows and management: how to care for patients with drug addiction. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(3), 681–688.




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