Perspectivas da implementação de projeto de capacitação continuada em neuroeducação para o rastreamento precoce de transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento




The increasing diagnostic rates of Neurodevelopmental Disorders demand a response from the educational environment. The Continuing Education Program in Neuroeducation (PCCN), through the Rady and Borges Screening Scale (ERRB), enables the early identification of students with diagnostic potential. This tool, designed for educators, aims to build a clinical history, assess academic performance, establish behavioral patterns, and measure student development. The collected information allows for comparisons between cases and ensures a scientific approach to student assessment. The implementation of the ERRB scale contributes to more effective communication with families, optimization of pedagogical interventions, and the creation of environments conducive to students' cognitive development. Tracking tools, such as the ERRB scale, are essential in the early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders. Its application enables systematic screening, allowing for more assertive interventions. Moreover, it facilitates collaboration between educators and healthcare professionals, consolidating an integrated and effective approach, addressing the needs of each student. In the school context, the inadequate inclusion of students with Neurodevelopmental Disorders can harm not only individual development but also the collective one. Such impacts may reflect in educational, social, and emotional spheres, reinforcing inequalities and limiting future professional opportunities. Thus, ensuring inclusive school environments, equipped with effective identification and intervention tools, becomes essential for the holistic development of the student and the fulfillment of principles of equity and integrity in education.


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How to Cite

Dirceu, C. R. N., Bento, J. F. B., Silva, L. N. D. da, & Alvino, M. J. R. (2024). Perspectivas da implementação de projeto de capacitação continuada em neuroeducação para o rastreamento precoce de transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(4), 951–960.

