Problem Based Learning Process in Medical Schools: A Practical Approach to Knowledge




Medical education is undergoing global transformations due to new societal demands and technological advancements. Problem Based Learning (PBL) has excelled, promoting active learning and critical skills. However, its implementation faces challenges such as infrastructure and resistance to change. This article investigates the impact of PBL on medical education and discusses the challenges faced by educators in implementing it. This study is a qualitative literature review, carried out in March 2024, using the SciELO and PubMed databases. The search terms were "Medical schools", "Problem Based Learning" and "Practical approach", combined with the connective "AND". Scientific articles and reviews published in the last 15 years in English and Portuguese, relevant to the theme, after title and abstract analysis, were included, excluding incomplete, repeated, and out-of-scope articles. PBL has been shown to be effective in medical schools, encouraging constructive learning and critical skill development. Despite the benefits, its implementation faces challenges, such as the need for collaboration between educators and the difficulty of adapting to the traditional teaching format. One promising approach to overcoming these challenges is to combine PBL with Learning Analytics (LA), providing valuable insights into the learning process. Further studies are needed to fill the gap in the academic literature and provide a clear framework for this integration. The transition to student-centred methods can be challenging for some students, especially at the beginning of their medical degree, highlighting the importance of providing adequate support during this period of adaptation.


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How to Cite

Moreira, M. L. A. S., Gontijo, J. R. F., Borges, G. M., & Abdulmassyh, S. F. (2024). Problem Based Learning Process in Medical Schools: A Practical Approach to Knowledge. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 14(1), 240–244.

