Difficulty of access to menstrual hygiene in Brazil: A literature review





Menstruation, Vulnerability, Hygiene, Inequality, Absorbents


Thousands of socially vulnerable people in Brazil are affected by menstrual poverty. This phenomenon is characterized by the lack of access to menstrual hygiene products, due to the absence of financial resources to purchase them, preventing a portion of the social stratum from living a healthy and dignified life during menstruation. The lack of hygiene products, the absence of information and social stigmatization lead to the use of unhealthy and dangerous methods, putting individuals' physical and emotional health at risk. In addition, there is a correlation between menstrual poverty and the absence of effective public policies for the exercise of citizens' rights, which will be addressed in this review. In Brazil, low-income people are the most affected by the lack of access to basic hygiene items. The government's failure to promote effective public policies that guarantee universal and free access to sanitary pads and other intimate hygiene products maximizes menstrual poverty in the country. Brazilian citizens become vulnerable on a daily basis due to the lack of information about the consequences of this precarious scenario and the difficulties in obtaining hygiene products. It is essential that the state develops and supervises the exercise of public prerogatives to combat menstrual poverty in Brazil, guaranteeing the rights of quality health care, and that the Brazilian population is made aware of the constitutional benefits and evils they are subject to if they do not enjoy their guarantees.


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How to Cite

Campos, I., Costa, N. S., Santana, R. dos S., Alves, S. L., & Ribeiro, T. de J. (2025). Difficulty of access to menstrual hygiene in Brazil: A literature review. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 15(1), 123–128. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v15i1.10853

