Education actions on hand hygiene as a strategy for patient safety: Experience report


  • Elaine Cristina Bezerra Almeida
  • Antonio Neudimar Bastos Costa Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Sobral
  • Patricia Batista Rosa
  • Cristiano Araújo Costa
  • Tiago Sousa Melo



Cross infection, Infection control, Quality of health care.


It was aimed to report the experience of actions of education in service of Infection Control Committee in intention to sensitize the multiprofissional healthcare team about the adoption of safe hand hygiene practices according to the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency. Thus, was developed a hand hygiene intervention in adult Intensive Care Unit. The importance of hand hygiene practice for prevention and control health care-associated infections and professional training are discussed. In this context, posters and pamphlets of Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency aiming better practices designed to patient safety were used with the purpose of fostering to health education and in order to awaken interest in the public to develop and/or to remain with the safety patient practice. It was considered there must be discussion about the subject by professionals to overcome challenges. Educational actions are an important tool for directing actions aimed at developing improvements in health care.


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How to Cite

Almeida, E. C. B., Costa, A. N. B., Rosa, P. B., Costa, C. A., & Melo, T. S. (2017). Education actions on hand hygiene as a strategy for patient safety: Experience report. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 7(2), 68–71.



Experience Report

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