Perception and expectations of the students of Physiotherapy about the course and of the professional future


  • Sarah Mendes Pereira Bueno Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes
  • Eduardo Filoni Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes
  • Fátima Fani Fitz Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes



Career Choice, Education Higher, Physical Therapy.


The article aims to identify the factors that motivate students in physiotherapy in the choice of course, what knowledge they have in the area and what their expectations regarding the job market and their professional future. This is a cross-sectional study, with students enrolled in the physiotherapy course at the University in São Paulo. To collect the information, a self-administered questionnaire was used to evaluate the motivation to choose the profession, the level of knowledge about the regulation of physiotherapy and the perspectives of work. It was verified that about 88% of the students of Physiotherapy are female and present average age of 23 (±) years. 62% of them reported choosing the profession for personal fulfillment and 14% for vocation. Regarding the knowledge of the areas of Physical Therapy, Acupuncture was reported by 50%. About 55% performed extracurricular internship in the area of Neurofunctional Physiotherapy and 25% in the area of Trauma-Orthopedic. At the end of the course, about 20% intend to specialize in Respiratory Physiotherapy and 15% in Neurofunctional Physiotherapy. Good expectations regarding the job market were reported by 58% of bachelors. The present study reports a predominance of women graduating in Physiotherapy, who take into account personal fulfillment and the vocation to choose the profession. It is also observed that they present effective knowledge of the areas of practice of Physical Therapy and are optimistic about the professional future and the labor market.


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How to Cite

Bueno, S. M. P., Filoni, E., & Fitz, F. F. (2017). Perception and expectations of the students of Physiotherapy about the course and of the professional future. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 7(4), 100–104.

