The inclusion of digital information and communication technologies in teaching practice
Digital Information Technologies - TDIC are considered a unique tool in the entire learning process, having their effects proven since Basic Education and even in Higher Education, including Postgraduate courses. Thus, it is necessary to look into the pedagogical context that already exists at the university, in addition to pointing out strategic solutions for the implementation of new technological systems. In this sense, the relevance of this work is justified, which has as its general objective to perform an analysis on the application of TDIC within the Licentiate Degree in Pedagogy at UniFIC, campus Iguatu. As specific objectives, it seeks to describe the pedagogical context of the Licentiate Degree in Pedagogy on the use of digital information and communication technologies in the organization, systematization and development of classes and foster dialogue between digital technologies and teaching pedagogical practice. The methodology used to address the subject was a qualitative and quantitative study, descriptive and exploratory, using Gil (2010) and his definition of documentary research as a reference. It is concluded, therefore, that the inclusion of digital information and communication technologies came to help teachers in their pedagogical practices, but they are only favorable if teachers are willing to be more and more dynamic, as it is no use being connected if there is no relationship, engagement between professors and students.
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