Marketing e educação: sua relação como valorização e divulgação das Instituições de Ensino Superior




Superior, Institutions, Education, Marketing, Growth


The increasing changes resulting from the current market scenario have imposed on educational institutions the adoption of strategies to meet the parameters required for this new reality. Thus, this article aimed to reflect on the area of marketing related to education and how higher education has been in line with the standards of market competitiveness. To carry out the study, we used qualitative methodology and bibliographic research. The results of this research show the marketing department as an area of strengthening of higher education institutions and because they are operating in the competitive market. It is concluded that Marketing applied to educational institutions will work as an instrument that will allow for the improvement of the quality of their services and, consequently, the increase in the number of students. Capturing students based on arguments such as methodology, educational practice, prepared teachers, well-structured didactic material, based on the appreciation of the human being and moral and spiritual values can be good sales techniques. However, practicing these values and keeping customers and a satisfying audience is essential. Good advertising can sell a bad product, but that won't last long if that product doesn't sustain the advertised qualities.

Keywords: Superior; Institutions; Education; Marketing; Growth.


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How to Cite

Souza, A. . V. de, Rolim, F. D., Melo, W. F. M. F., Alves, M. A., & Santos, R. J. C. (2023). Marketing e educação: sua relação como valorização e divulgação das Instituições de Ensino Superior . Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(4), 805–815.




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