Impact of training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques on forest firefighters
Wildfires, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Heart arrestAbstract
Controlled burnings and forest fires are harmful to the environment and to people's health. During a wildfire, smoke intoxication, hypoxemia, and, consequently, cardiorespiratory arrest (CA) can occur. It is estimated that 300 thousand people suffer CA annually in Brazil, and 30% of the cases are fatal, usually due to the absence of people trained to perform the initial care to the victim. Forest fire fighters are an ideal public to introduce knowledge about the initial care of CA victims, since they are at a higher risk of witnessing situations in which it can occur. This is an experimental and longitudinal study in which a theoretical and practical course on Basic Life Support (BLS) was given to the members of the brigades and questionnaires were applied, pre and post course to evaluate the acquired learning. We observed an increase in the score of correct answers in the questionnaire (3.6 hits to 7.0 hits in 10 questions) and 91.7% presented a higher score in the post-course questionnaire than in the pre-course. Through the BLS course, it was observed an increase of knowledge related to the theme by the studied population, but, by limitation of the study, it was not possible to evaluate the knowledge retention in the long term. The knowledge on BLS in the studied population was initially insufficient for an initial care of CA. Given the context of occurrence of CA, basic knowledge about BLS should be taught more to the general public.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pedro Rabelo Dutra, Kleisson Antônio Pontes Maia, Antonietta Saldanha Alves Bortolone Merlo, Gabriel dos Santos Campos, Helcio Assis Rocha de Oliveira, Ohana Oliveira Nascimento

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