The use of virtual reality as a teaching tool in dental health: a bibliometric analysis




Computer Simulation, Dentistry, Education, Teaching, Virtual Reality


The creation of virtual reality is the result of worldwide technological advances. Its insertion in dental education has revolutionized traditional learning methods, contributing to a complete immersion with the studied object. The purpose of this study was to analyze the scientific production on the use of virtual reality in dental teaching. Articles were searched in the "Web Of Science" and "Scopus" databases, including those published between 1998 and 2022. For data analysis, the software "Bibliometrix" was used. It is observed, among the 77 articles analyzed, that the United States and China are the countries that most study on the subject, with Chinese authors having the highest number of citations, and the journal "Journal of Dental Education" leading the publications. Based on the articles discussed, the new opportunities for study, teaching and applicability allowed by the increasing number of articles on this theme are noted.


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How to Cite

Farias, G. D., Barbosa , M. L. R., Pinto , J. P. . C., Piagge, C. S. L. D., & Mélo, C. B. (2023). The use of virtual reality as a teaching tool in dental health: a bibliometric analysis. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(3), 256–262.

