Overview of the academia da saúde program and healthy aging: an integrative review





Elderly, Primary Health Care, Health promotion, Public health, Health Unic System


The Academia da Saúde Program is a health promotion and care production strategy that works with the implementation of poles, places that are environments of inclusion, social participation, leisure and health education. Estimates indicate that in the coming decades the elderly population will reach 34.6% of the Brazilian population, in this sense one of the strategies recommended by the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization is to have the elderly as the center of plans to promote the healthy aging. In this sense, Health Academies are of substantial importance. Therefore, this study aimed, through an integrative literature review, to elucidate what scientific publications say about the participation of the elderly in Health Academies. The criteria used were (health academies) AND (elderly) AND (Brazil); (health academies) AND (elderly) in PubMed, Virtual Health Library and Brazilian Portal of Publications and Scientific Data in Open Access databases, with the selection of the Portuguese language and period from 2016 to 2022. After the exclusion criteria, they were analyzed 5 articles. It is observed that the program assists in improving balance, reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods, fats and sugars, reducing cognitive losses, providing bodily, cognitive and emotional well-being to the elderly. The low adherence of men stands out; the small number of municipalities with active hubs and the absence of a national database with information on the program's operation and its participants.


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Author Biographies

Raquel, Escola de Saúde Pública do Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande

Psychologist. PhD in Public Health.

Health Specialist at the Mato Grosso do Sul School of Public Health.

Inara, Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Mato Grosso do Sul

Health Services Specialist.

Manager in Research, Extension and Innovation in Health at the School of Public Health of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Arthur, Escola Técnica do SUS do Mato Grosso do Sul

Specialist in health services at the Technical School of SUS in Mato Grosso do Sul.

Débora, Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Mato Grosso do Sul


Specialist in health services.

André, Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Mato Grosso do Sul

Health Services Specialist

Director at School of Public Health of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul


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How to Cite

Silva Barretto, R., Pereira da Cunha, I., Duarte Fantesia Costa Cruz, A., Sodré Gonçalves Carneiro, D., & Vinícius Batista de Assis, A. (2023). Overview of the academia da saúde program and healthy aging: an integrative review. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(4), 830–837. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v13i4.9836

