Waste in the Fish Iron Market, Ver-o-Peso Complex, Belém, Pará
Fishing, Waste, DestinationAbstract
Ver-o-Peso Complex is located in the city of Belém, Pará, and is considered the largest free market in Latin America. The Fish Iron Market is part of this complex, and is where fish is marketed, filleting is processed, and other types of cuts occur, which generate waste. The aim of this study was to conduct a survey on the generation and disposal of fish waste generated in the Fish Iron Market of Ver-o-Peso Complex. Data were collected in 2015 and 2018, and information on fish waste was obtained by applying forms with market vendors. Additionally, fish waste was sorted and weighed, and divided in type 1 (skin), type 2 (carcass), and type 3 (others), the latter encompassing other types of waste. In 2018, 1,845.65 kg of fish waste was generated in one single day, and fish carcass was the most recurring waste category. The other categories were low and were not found in the intestines, as fish is usually eviscerated while still on board the vessel. Most merchants produce 50 kg or more of waste per box daily, and most of this waste is disposed in landfills. The majority of merchants who produced the waste from which the sample was collected were familiar with the use of fish waste in the production of fertilizers, animal feed, and human food. The most frequent waste item in the Fish Iron Market of Ver-o-Peso Complex is carcass, and the quantification of this waste reaches a total value higher than one ton per day.
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