O desenvolvimento das funções executivas de sujeitos com TDAH a partir do manejo de abelhas: uma ótica interdisciplinar


  • Marcos Vitor Costa Castelhano
  • Tereza Cristina David Dant
  • Maria de Fatima David Dantas
  • Flávio Franklin Ferreira de Almeida
  • Nicolle Borba Maracaja Rodrigues Gomes
  • Adriano Cipriano de Sousa Junior
  • Tayana Adélia Palmeira Gomes. Nepomucena
  • Aline Carla de Medeiros


TDAH, Funçoes execultivas


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) permeates one of the most diagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders in contemporary society, revealing the pertinence of stoning inclusive methodological means capable of promoting significant social insertion, as well as the continuous building of executive functions in their inter and intrapersonal matrices. Within the therapeutic modalities, there are several naturalistic approaches, starting from post-structuralist propositions, which dismantle that direct or indirect contact with elements, experiences and interactions of naturalistic bias enable the development of socio-interactive and actuational skills and competences of subjects with ADHD. Following this reasoning, the present study addresses the dialogue between the management of bees and the naturalist-therapist dynamics in the face of the development of executive functions of the subject with ADHD, considering the significance of multi and interdisciplinary dialogs for strategic and interventional planning. For this, the narrative review was used as a guiding research model, serving as a basis for organizing and modeling the information collected, using scientific articles, academic books and other academic productions found in Scielo and Web of Science as the main sources of data. . Thus, evidencing the discursive importance of this theme, the need for naturalistic interdisciplinary methodological applications is exposed for the reception of subjects with ADHD, having as an elaborative plan the management of bees in front of the buildings of executive functions.


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How to Cite

Castelhano, M. V. C., Dant, T. C. D., Dantas, M. de F. D., Almeida, F. F. F. de, Gomes, N. B. M. R., Sousa Junior, A. C. de, Nepomucena, T. A. P. G., & Medeiros, A. C. de. (2023). O desenvolvimento das funções executivas de sujeitos com TDAH a partir do manejo de abelhas: uma ótica interdisciplinar . Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 12(1). Retrieved from https://gvaa.com.br/revista/index.php/CVADS/article/view/10065




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