O assistente social como pilar do desenvolvimento sustentável na cooperativa agrícola de Sousa, PB





Social worker; Agricultural cooperative; Sustainable development; Sousa, PB.


This case study outlines the fundamental role of the social worker in the sustainable development of the Agricultural Cooperative of Sousa, PB. Through multidisciplinary work that is sensitive to the demands of family farmers, the social worker contributes to social organization, the promotion of citizenship, the defence of rural workers' rights and the strengthening of the community's cultural identity. The social worker's work is reflected in successful social programs and interventions, such as the Cooperative Education Program, the Social Assistance Service, the Preventive Health Project and the Income Generation Program. The conclusion is that the social worker is a crucial transforming agent for the sustainable development of the cooperative, promoting social justice and the emancipation of family farmers.


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How to Cite

Pinto, W. C. de O. (2024). O assistente social como pilar do desenvolvimento sustentável na cooperativa agrícola de Sousa, PB. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(2), 3068–3073. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v13i2.10504