Governance of water resources: a comparative analysis of the water market instrument in the brazilian and chilean legal systems




Instrument; Market; Water Resources; Legal.


According to Brazil's National Water Resources Policy, water is considered a public good with economic value. However, this natural resource is limited and requires specific analysis due to the growing scarcity of water and the peculiarities of Brazilian agro-industrial systems. Thus, the main objective of this research is to comparatively analyze the legal systems of Chile and Brazil regarding the possibility of inserting the Water Market instrument as an alternative to preserve the environment and guarantee the economic activities of present and future society. At this juncture, there is a problem to be answered: Would the application of the water market instrument be as viable in Brazil as it was in Chile? In addition, would it promote the preservation of environmental resources, or would it generate more scarcity and concentration of water in a restricted group of people, as a result of the commercialization of water? In addition, would it promote the preservation of environmental resources, or would it generate more scarcity and concentration of water in a restricted group of people, as a result of the commercialization of water? In order to answer this question, some research methods were used, such as the deductive approach method, with the aid of the comparative qualitative procedure method, as well as the exploratory, documentary and bibliographic research technique. To this end, the results show that this issue is the subject of countless disagreements and discussions between environmentalists, jurists and scholars, but that both converge towards the same goal: seeking a sustainable solution for the exploitation of natural resources, guaranteeing economic activities and improving the quality of human life. However, noting its social, environmental and economic relevance, it can be seen that it is feasible to implement the water market instrument in the Brazilian legal system as long as it promotes fundamental guarantees and preservation, and includes the participation and awareness of society in the discussions surrounding the implementation of this market in Brazil.

Author Biographies

Luanda Mendes de Morais, Federal University of Campina Grande

Advogada e Mestre em Gestão Sistemas Agroindustriais pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). 

Allan Sarmento Vieira, Federal University of Campina Grande

Professor Doutor da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG).


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How to Cite

Mendes de Morais, L., & Vieira, A. S. (2024). Governance of water resources: a comparative analysis of the water market instrument in the brazilian and chilean legal systems. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 3572–.