The effectiveness of sanitation privatization: evidence from national and international experiences


  • Kilma Maísa de Lima Gondim Universidade de Marília
  • Sandro Marcos Godoy Universidade de Marília


Experiências; Investimentos; Gestão pública e privada; Privatização; Saneamento


Basic sanitation is a crucial issue for the quality of life and health of the population. However, many countries face challenges in managing this sector, which is often in deficit. In this context, the privatization of sanitation emerges as a possible solution to improve the efficiency of service delivery. The objective of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of sanitation privatization based on national and international experiences. For this purpose, cases of countries that have adopted privatization will be investigated and compared with cases in which the service remained under public control. The research has identified that privatization of sanitation can be effective in improving the quality and efficiency of service delivery. In some cases, privatization was able to reduce costs, increase access to safe water and sanitation, and improve the quality of services provided. However, the research also highlighted that privatization can present challenges, such as the exclusion of peripheral areas and the lack of investment in less profitable areas. It was concluded that privatization of sanitation can be a viable alternative to improve the efficiency of the sector. However, it is important that privatization be accompanied by efficient regulation and that control mechanisms be implemented to guarantee universal access to basic sanitation services.


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How to Cite

de Lima Gondim, K. M., & Godoy, S. M. (2023). The effectiveness of sanitation privatization: evidence from national and international experiences. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 12(1), 562–577. Retrieved from