Digital platforms in the COVID-19 pandemic as an implement of teaching and production of teaching material



COVID-19, Materiais de ensino, Filme e vídeo educativo, Teaching materials, Instructional film and video


The COVID-19 pandemic has become a Public Health Emergency of International Importance, that created significant consequences in the basic, technic, technological and superior education. In view of this scenario, some adaptations have been needed in the teaching-learning method, so that the students would not be harmed in this moment of presential activities restriction. Thereby, the Technical School in Health (ESTES) of Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU), besides using various methodologies and online platforms to teach the classes, has published a notice in partnership with the Dentistry School of UFU (FOUFU) of a monitoring and pedagogical aid to the Anatomy, Sculpture and Occlusion discipline of the Technical Course in Dental Prosthesis (CTPD). The fellowship students of the project had used various digital platforms for the confection of teaching materials in order to help the CTPD/ESTES/UFU students. These materials produced by the project fellowships were passed along to the CTPD students, being available for download and future studies, contributing for their upbringing. Thus, the using of digital platforms during the remote teaching period has contributed for an improve in the teacher-student integration and to enhance the teaching-learning methods.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, J. S., Warles Silva Pereira, Y., Resende Allig, G., Silva Peres, T., & Guilherme de Castro Silvério, M. (2023). Digital platforms in the COVID-19 pandemic as an implement of teaching and production of teaching material. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(2), 93–97. Retrieved from

