Undergraduate monograph health: Problems and strategies


  • Flavia Mazzoli-Rocha Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos
  • Andrea Serra Graniço Coordenadora do curso de Fisioterapia do UNIFESO
  • Alba Barros Souza Fernandes Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos




Monograph, Education in health, Plagiarism.


The objective was to describe difficulties experienced by teachers and researchers before the elaboration of the undergraduate conclusion work in the great area of Health. The strategies to help the university student to write their Course Completion Work with technical quality, were scored in order to help students and counselors, such as: facilitating the writing of the completion work course, from the provision of Portuguese subject to Methodological Guidelines; and information about plagiarism and its detection mechanisms. The availability of these strategies can be the differential in the elaboration of a completion work course of better quality.


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Author Biographies

Flavia Mazzoli-Rocha, Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos

Mestre e Doutora pela UFRJ, Professora Titular em Fisioterapia pelo UNIFESO

Andrea Serra Graniço, Coordenadora do curso de Fisioterapia do UNIFESO

Coordenadora do Curso de Fisioterapia do UNIFESO

Alba Barros Souza Fernandes, Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos

Doutora pela UFRJ, Coordenadora da Clínica-Escola de Fisioterapia do UNIFESO


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How to Cite

Mazzoli-Rocha, F., Graniço, A. S., & Fernandes, A. B. S. (2017). Undergraduate monograph health: Problems and strategies. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 7(2), 77–83. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v7i2.4367


