Ground pain in football athletes: from evaluation to treatment
Groin pain is a problem that occurs in the area between the abdomen and the legs, recurrent in athletes and is the third biggest cause of time-out in soccer. Inappropriate methods of training, physical conditioning, structural changes, overload, muscle weakness and joint changes are considered its main risk factors, however, there is no consensus in the literature which is most effective way to assess, treat and prevent. So, the objective of this study is to provide the most effective way to assess, treat and prevent injury in soccer players. I try to aim for the middle of a critical review of the literature to identify the programs and more effective tools for evaluation, rehabilitation and prevention of football players who have as a diagnosis of groin pain. The search of the present study was systematized through electronic bases, namely: virtual Health Library; PubMed and Google Scholar. Sixteen articles were found, classifying the most import findings in the literature. Magnetic resonance imaging shows to be important to establish a good differential diagnosis, the HAGOS questionnaire seems to be a great tool for evaluation, quantifying the current state of the athlete, several techniques involve for the rehabilitation, it is up to the therapist to know how to intercede exact, Copenhagen exercise points out the best way to avoid any kind of intercurrence of the various causes of groin pain.
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