Teaching strategies in human anatomy in remote modality for the medical course





Medical education, Monitoring, Remote teaching


The COVID-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing had an important impact on medical education, which had to be reinvented in order to move the teaching-learning process forward. In this sense, the teaching of human anatomy represented a challenge within medical courses considering the wide range of subjects to be addressed with greater specificity and detail. This report describes the didactic-pedagogical tools used in the anatomy in Emergency Remote Teaching Activities (AEREs) implemented in a university in Brazil southern. These tools included anatomical boards consisting of images selected from references used in the course, containing numbered structures to be identified in a table attached to the image; copyright videos summarizing the vascularization and innervation of the studied systems; public domain videos with cadaveric or resin structures; simulated evaluations for reinforcement activities and review of the contents covered, and scientific articles to contextualize the subjects studied. The search for teaching strategies that address the particularities of remote learning it was a constant among professors in medical courses and in general these strategies were based on information technologies. Medical education had to adapt to this new reality, and activities with a practical focus required a greater number of pedagogical strategies in the curriculum components. The strategies described above sought to replace essentially practical activities and underwent adjustments over the semesters to meet student assessments. With regard to the curricular component addressed through the AEREs, it is possible to affirm, based on the assessment tools, that the strategies achieved the proposed objectives.


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How to Cite

Bonow, N. E., Neves, J. K., Martelleto, G. K. S., Senger, F. H., Homsi, E. I., & Macedo, I. C. (2023). Teaching strategies in human anatomy in remote modality for the medical course. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(2), 140–146. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v13i2.9562




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