Estilo de vida no controle da hipertensão arterial de idosos no município de Princesa Isabel – PB: um relato de experiência




Arterial Hypertension. Physical activity. Lifestyle Change.


The aim of this study was to report on the experience of the Cruzeiro Basic Health Unit, in the municipality of Princesa Isabel-PB, in relation to the importance of lifestyle changes in controlling hypertension in elderly people aged between 60 and 80. Weekly meetings were held to address issues related to the health of the elderly. Laboratory tests (total cholesterol and fractions, blood count, triglycerides), blood pressure, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) were monitored and observed at the UBS. With the support of a team made up of a nurse, nurse technician, nutritionist, physical counselor, pharmacist and physiotherapist. During the experience at the Cruzeiro BHU, it was possible to see the reality of the professionals who work there, as well as the difficulties faced by both the professionals and the public who are served at the BHU. In conclusion, even with the difficulties, it was possible to see that there were excellent results in terms of cholesterol and triglyceride control, as well as controlled blood pressure, and that some of the patients were taken off the third drug and had a successful treatment.


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How to Cite

Nunes, A. I. D., & Sousa, M. N. A. de. (2024). Estilo de vida no controle da hipertensão arterial de idosos no município de Princesa Isabel – PB: um relato de experiência. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(1), 2417–2428.