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The impact of Fake News on the destruction of reputations, compromising the legitimacy of the electoral process and ways to combat it


  • Marcos Henrique de Lira e Silva UNIBRASIL



Abuse, Impacts, Freedom of expression, Fake news


The present work aimed to analyze the impact of fake news on the destruction of reputations, compromise of the legitimacy of the electoral process and ways to combat it. To this end, it presents a brief approach to fake news; and exposes the risk of fake news to democracy. Regarding the methodology, this is a bibliographic study, developed from the use of scientific articles, specialized books and relevant legislation of the Brazilian legal system and comparative law that are directly or indirectly related to the theme "Impact of fake news", allowing us to conclude that the understanding that seems to be best in line with the principles and objectives of a Democratic State of Law is what freedom of expression should be guaranteed as A fundamental right, however, it cannot be allowed that, under the cloak of a fallacious discourse protecting freedom of expression, harassment is naturalized and hate speech is disseminated to the point of evolving into a hate crime with the intention of hurting the dignity of others.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. H. de L. e. (2024). The impact of Fake News on the destruction of reputations, compromising the legitimacy of the electoral process and ways to combat it. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(1), 2496–2514.