Aplicação analógica da Lei Federal n.º 8.112/1990 a servidores públicos estaduais e municipais para assegurar a efetivação de direitos fundamentais





Human dignity; Fundamental rights; Artificial intelligence.


This text addresses, as a central theme, the analogous application of Federal Law No. 8,112/1990 to state and municipal public servants to ensure the enforcement of fundamental rights. Initially, the legal nature of public servants is analyzed, through the analysis of the concept and species. Next, we move on to the study of the autonomy of federative entities to legislate on public servants, and then investigate the analogous application of Federal Law No. 8,112/1990 to state and municipal public servants in the jurisprudence of the Superior Courts. Finally, a systematization of the central theme of the work is proposed. Regarding the methodology aspects of research in Law, the research carried out during this work was documentary, through bibliographic and jurisprudential review


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How to Cite

Albuquerque , P. F. A. de, & Menezes , R. Q. de. (2024). Aplicação analógica da Lei Federal n.º 8.112/1990 a servidores públicos estaduais e municipais para assegurar a efetivação de direitos fundamentais. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(2), 3160–3176. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v13i2.10532