Responsabilidade Civil Pré-Contratual, enfoques e aplicação na jurisprudência dos Tribunais Superiores




Pre-contractual liability; good-faith; preliminary negotiations; refusal to hire.


The scope of this work is to study the institute of pre-contractual civil liability, highlighting, above all, its importance in current civil relations as a result of objective good faith and the accessory duties of conduct determined by it, as well as the principle of function social contract. The approaches to pre-contractual responsibility will be addressed, through analysis of refusal to hire and breach of preliminary negotiations. The methodological basis used is the use of theoretical-dogmatic research, covering studies by scholars and jurisprudence relevant to the topic. Its legal foundations will be highlighted, also aiming to analyze this institute in Brazilian jurisprudence, in addition to its application in the Consumer Protection Code.


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How to Cite

Brito , F. L. M. de. (2024). Responsabilidade Civil Pré-Contratual, enfoques e aplicação na jurisprudência dos Tribunais Superiores. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(2), 3208–3217.