Environmental Law and Education: Cognitive Processes


  • Anderson Rodrigues Laurido Escola Superior da Magistratura do Amazonas




Environmental Law, Education, Cognition


The theme of this work analyzes the dialogue between environmental law and education, specifically in cognitive processes and their intrinsic relationship with the construction of society; investigating which environmental values were duly contemplated in the educational field. Thus, it was based on the analysis of the importance of the constitutional principles of environmental law and the importance of environmental education in the imputation of values. The research used the qualitative and deductive method, specifically the phenomenological one, having as technique the indirect documentation, through bibliographic analysis of works and articles on the subject, from which it was found that environmental education has great relevance for the change of values and attitudes in relation to the protection and safekeeping of existing natural resources. that aligned with appropriate processes, it is possible to think of a society with awareness of the importance of the sustainability of natural resources, prioritizing basic education, the involvement of teachers and the entire teaching staff, including school management, management, pedagogues and psychologists.


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How to Cite

Laurido, A. R. (2024). Environmental Law and Education: Cognitive Processes. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(2), 3424–3436. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v13i2.10590