The various family entities: from the imposition of recognition to the conclusion that it will not time and the special approach of simultaneous families


  • Letícia Oliveira Mesquita Servidora Pública do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Especialista em Direito e Processo Penal e em Direito Constitucional pelo Centro Universitário União das Américas Descomplica.



Various family entities, Eudemonist family, Recognition, Simultaneous families


The family entities that emerged beyond marriage generated, for their recognition, a revolution in family law, so that, today, it is understood as a eudemonistic concept of family. The topicality of the topic, therefore, reveals the usefulness of the study and the interest in the issue. In this light, we intend to expose the issues that are still controversial in the problem – which involves changing paradigms. The various family models are dictated and the conclusion is that there is a basis for their recognition. Next, a general jurisprudential approach and a detailed approach to the topic of simultaneous families are made, which, in this context, gives rise to the greatest discussions. As a methodology, articles obtained through electronic research, doctrinal works, journalistic information material, legislation and jurisprudence database were used. The aim is to reinforce the recognition of the plurality of families and their protection. As a result, the understanding is reached that the constitutional text is open to these new family models and that jurisprudence tends to gradually continue to recognize them.


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How to Cite

Mesquita, L. O. (2024). The various family entities: from the imposition of recognition to the conclusion that it will not time and the special approach of simultaneous families. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 4079–4083.