Análise da variabilidade na precipitação pluvial ao longo de um século em Cajazeiras-PB




Climatologia; Recursos Naturais; Chuva.


This article presents an analysis of the variability of rainfall in the city of Cajazeiras, in the state of Paraíba throughout a historical series from 1911 to 2022, in order to verify trends of increase or decrease in rainfall, for this purpose, it makes -using the application of the Mann-Kendall test and Pettitt test with data obtained by the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA), and the Executive Agency for Water Management in the State of Paraíba (AESA), the analysis was carried out on decade, annual, monthly and daily scales. The results show an increase in average precipitation and daily extreme precipitation events, raising a reflection on the importance of characterizing a long series to better understand rainfall variations in semi-arid areas and the contributions of the results to the management of water resources by public agents and for better use of the resource by the local population.


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How to Cite

Medeiros , E. de A., Silva , J. E. da, Dantas, J. L., Silva , M. T., Junior, F. de L. S. do P., Maracaja , P. B., & Ribeiro , , G. do N. (2024). Análise da variabilidade na precipitação pluvial ao longo de um século em Cajazeiras-PB. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(4), 4186–4201.

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