The measurement of bodies in the Paraíba Judiciary Asylum in the context of the 1940s

the influence of Kretschmer's biotypological theory in the classification of the first institutionalized patient



João Alexandre Gomes is the name of the first patient at the Paraíba Judiciary Asylum. His path of mental illness began when he began to see figures and hear voices that addressed him with “dishonest words” and threats. One day, in a state of rage, João armed himself with a pistol to put an end to his suffering, when he saw the minor Zeto Freire who was “stupidly murdered”. Afterwards, João went to the Police Headquarters, when he was detained for investigation. In 1941, with the diagnosis of cerebral syphilis, João was admitted to the Hospital-Colônia Juliano Moreira. In 1943, when the Judiciary Asylum was inaugurated, João was transferred to that establishment. The scope of this work is to analyze the influence of European biotypological theories on the practices of psychiatrists who worked at the Judicial Asylum of Paraíba from the medical record of Mr. João. The data were analyzed in the light of the concepts of practices and representations of the historian Roger Chartier.

Author Biographies

Helmara Giccelli Formiga Wanderley, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)

 Professora Adjunto da UAD/CCJS/UFCG. Historiadora. Doutora em História pelo PPGH/UFPE. Pesquisadora dos Grupos de Pesquisa: Ensino e Extensão em Direitos Humanos da UFCG (GRUPEDIH) e História, Loucura e Saúde Mental (GPHLSM). Coordenadora e orientadora do Projeto de Pesquisa “O Manicômio Judiciário da Paraíba como espaço de disputas e interesses de psiquiatras e juristas: Recepção e apropriação das teorias criminológicas europeias no estado da Paraíba (Anos 1910- 1940)” desenvolvido junto ao Programa de iniciação científica PIBIC/UFCG e no âmbito da UAD/CCJS/UFCG.

Ivo Emanuel Dias Barros, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Graduando em Direito pela UFCG. Bolsista de Iniciação Científica PIBIC-UFCG-CNPq. Pesquisador do Grupo de Pesquisa História, Loucura e Saúde Mental - GPHLSM (UFC/DGP-CNPq). Pesquisador do Observatório de Direito Internacional do Rio Grande do Norte - OBDI-RN (UFRN/DGP-CNPq).



How to Cite

Formiga Wanderley, H. G., & Dias Barros, I. E. (2022). The measurement of bodies in the Paraíba Judiciary Asylum in the context of the 1940s: the influence of Kretschmer’s biotypological theory in the classification of the first institutionalized patient. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 11(1), 238–249. Retrieved from