The Christianity of Catholic Liberation in the Face of Synodality


  • José Roberto da Silva
  • Zélia Cristina Pedrosa do Nascimento


The present article has as its theme: "Catholic Liberation Christianity in the face of synodality" the motivations for the present research is given by the fact that it understands that synodality, as for popular religiosity, are two evident beacons in the construction of the faith of the people of America Latin America, especially Brazil. It aims to analyze the dimension of synodality as an event and medium of the Catholic Church through its bishops, carry out a process of knowledge of the ground of its people and thus create paths for the process of evangelization of the peoples of Latin America well within the context of each people. The dimension of the Church's synodality dates back to the time of the apostles, who, together, decided what were the priorities for preaching the gospel. Born in the 1970s in Latin America, Liberation Theology is one of the great theological currents that understand and apply Christianity well within a social perspective, for the continent. I understand this way, this thought can be applied as Liberation Christianity, which is configured in a perspective of understanding Christianity within a vision more focused on the popular beliefs that make up a large part of the religiosity of the Latin American people, which in turn, they do not depend on the authority of the Church to develop their popular practices and devotions. Rather, they are born from the faith of the people in their locality and make up the way of being and living the faith of the simple people in their beliefs and devotions.



How to Cite

Silva, J. R. da, & Nascimento, Z. C. P. do. (2022). The Christianity of Catholic Liberation in the Face of Synodality. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 11(2), 309–324. Retrieved from

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