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The fundamental right to religious freedom and the ineffectiveness of its protection by the Brazilian criminal system


  • Matheus de Sousa Bento Centro Universitário Dr. Leão Sampaio
  • Marília Gabrielly Alves da Silva Centro Universitário Dr. Leão Sampaio
  • Raiane Isabela Tomaz de Negreiros Universidade Regional do Cariri
  • Jéssica Maria Aparecida Rodrigues Neres Universidade Regional do Cariri
  • Danilo Eduardo Ferreira Barbosa Centro Universitário Dr. Leão Sampaio
  • Ana Maria Ribeiro de Aragão Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Cinthya Nathaly Pereira Cardoso Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Erinaldo Alves dos Santos Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


Fundamental rights are constitutional guarantees that seek to protect the rights most essential to human life, so that individuals can enjoy a more dignified life, in which the right to religious freedom is a fundamental right of the first dimension. Observing what was pointed out above, the general objective of this research was precisely to understand religious freedom as a fundamental right and how, despite being protected by the Magna Carta, it still suffers from so much religious intolerance. The methodology used was, regarding the procedure, the historical one, surveying historical data regarding the legal provisions that deal with religious freedom. The objective was descriptive, based on theoretical issues. The research, this one was qualitative, with a valoritative analysis of the bibliographic materials used. The approach was deductive, analyzing general information to arrive at more specific information. As for the research technique used, this was bibliographic research, analyzing academic material and books, and documentary research, with the citation of laws. Finally, the initial hypothesis of this study was proven, since it was studied that despite the existing legal provisions in the legal system that seek to protect religious freedom, religious intolerance is a reality that must be combated, since it makes more and more victims.



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How to Cite

de Sousa Bento, M., Alves da Silva, M. G., Tomaz de Negreiros, R. I., Rodrigues Neres, J. M. A., Ferreira Barbosa, D. E., Ribeiro de Aragão, A. M., Pereira Cardoso, C. N., & Santos, E. A. dos. (2023). The fundamental right to religious freedom and the ineffectiveness of its protection by the Brazilian criminal system. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 12(1), 594–605. Retrieved from

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