Terapias complementares para o tratamento do transtorno do déficit de atenção com hiperatividade


  • Alan Davyd Almeida Leandro Centro Universitário de Patos
  • Alberto Hafid Dantas Assis Centro Universitário de Patos
  • Fernando Cezar Souza Santos Filho Centro Universitário de Patos
  • Luiz Francisco da Silva Neto Centro Universitário de Patos
  • Nadson Lopes Nunes Centro Universitário de Patos
  • Poliana da Costa Oliveira Centro Universitário de Patos
  • Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa Centro Universitário de Patos (UNIFIP) e Faculdade São Francisco da Paraíba (FASP) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8327-9147




ABSTRACT: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common neuropsychiatric condition in childhood; it must be the focus of educational inclusion, having a legal basis, where different pedagogical strategies are necessary in the study. From this perspective, Integrative and Complementary Health Practices play an increasingly important role in educational activities, as their interventions are aimed at preventing body and mind diseases and improving quality of life. Thus, the current study aimed to carry out an integrative review through the identification and relevance of integrative and complementary therapies in a combined or alternative way in the treatment of ADHD. Three databases were analyzed and 14 studies were selected, which were categorized in tables according to the type of therapy, among the most cited, phytotherapy, music therapy and meditation with positive results in all consulted literatures, in addition to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yoga, as they increase the ability to focus and help regulate the autonomic nervous system, with a very effective percentage, so it is clear that although PICS bring many benefits, more specific research is still needed on complementary therapies for the treatment of ADHD , since the bibliographical collection on the referred subject is still very scarce, so the strengths and weaknesses mentioned in the studies deserve more attention from academia and health area managers.

Key words: Therapy; Phytotherapy; Music Therapy.

Author Biography

Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa, Centro Universitário de Patos (UNIFIP) e Faculdade São Francisco da Paraíba (FASP)

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How to Cite

Leandro, A. D. A., Assis, A. H. D., Santos Filho, F. C. S., Silva Neto, L. F. da, Nunes, N. L., Oliveira, P. da C., & Sousa, M. N. A. de. (2023). Terapias complementares para o tratamento do transtorno do déficit de atenção com hiperatividade. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 12(2), 905–918. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v12i2.9901