The theory of the fruit of the poisoned tree and illegal evidence in criminal proceedings: a systemic analysis of reality in the Brazilian Criminal Procedure


  • Letícia Pordeus Ferreira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Thiago Vinicius Torres Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Agílio Tomaz Marques Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Carla Rocha Pordeus Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Rosana Santos de Almeida Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


This scientific article aims to understand the nature and dynamics of the Theory of the Fruit of the Poisoned Tree in Criminal Procedure, especially the illicit evidence by derivation which deals with the theory, as well as to carry out an analysis about its applicability within the Brazilian criminal procedural law. . The methodology used is the research and compilation of bibliographic content, by deductive approach, and jurisprudential understanding on the subject. A priori, evidence will be studied in the Brazilian legal context, from the perspective of the Constitutional Principle of Inadmissibility of Illicit Evidence, with jurisprudential grounds, later, the theory of the poisoned tree, originating from the American Supreme Court, and the its applicability in the face of the concrete case, with the exposition of the pros and cons. In advance, it is a conflicting issue because it deals with the coercive power of the State as a guarantor of public order and, on the other hand, the need to respect legal procedures to obtain lawful evidence, however, the theory continues to be applied in higher courts. Therefore, it is essential to critically analyze the issue, bearing in mind that illegal evidence does not necessarily contaminate the entire process, but brings legal uncertainty to all subjects, the State, investigated and society.


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How to Cite

Pordeus Ferreira, L., Torres, T. V., Marques, A. T., Pordeus, C. R., & Santos de Almeida, R. (2023). The theory of the fruit of the poisoned tree and illegal evidence in criminal proceedings: a systemic analysis of reality in the Brazilian Criminal Procedure. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 12(2), 1240–1255. Retrieved from

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