Drones in the technological age: legal challenges and their implications
Responsabilidade Civil, Privacidade, DireitoAbstract
With the advent of the technological age, the increasing use of drones has become a reality in various sectors of society. These unmanned aerial devices have been widely used in activities such as monitoring, deliveries, agriculture, mapping and leisure. However, the rapid growth in the use of drones has brought with it a series of legal challenges and implications for society, ranging from security and privacy issues to the need for comprehensive regulations that establish clear guidelines for the operation of this equipment. As such, this article aims to analyze the legal challenges associated with the use of drones in the technological age and their implications for different areas of society. It aims to investigate the existing regulatory gaps, as well as the consequences of the inappropriate use of these devices, with a special focus on the areas of personal data protection and civil liability. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, a bibliographical review was carried out, with a survey of studies, legislation, case law and regulations pertinent to the subject. The results of the research show that the rapid technological advance of drones has outpaced the pace of regulations, which creates an environment of legal uncertainty and vulnerability for society. The lack of clear rules on the operation and liability for the use of drones has raised concerns about flight safety, invasion of privacy and misuse of these devices for illicit purposes. The study points out that the legal challenges extend beyond national borders, taking into account the cross-border use of drones and conflicts of jurisdiction. Another relevant point is the need to reconcile technological advances with the protection of individual and collective rights, ensuring a regulatory environment that promotes innovation in an ethical and safe manner.
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- 2023-09-04 (2)
- 2023-08-31 (1)
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