Knowledge about first aid in medical education: experience in training by the Red Cross




Medical education, Emergency medical service, Basic life support


First aid consists of the initial care provided in acute injuries. Its objectives include preserving life, relieving suffering, preventing complications, and promoting recovery, and it can be provided by anyone in any situation. However, little importance is given to the preparation for pre-hospital care for medical students, and their training in this regard is often not adequately assessed. Therefore, this article aims to report the experience of medical students in a training course provided by the Brazilian Red Cross Amazonas and to demonstrate the relevance of first aid skills and competencies during medical school, following their training through an extracurricular course. The study was developed based on impressions and discussions between two medical students who participated in the course regarding the integration of the course content on pre-hospital care into their professional development as future doctors, and its comparison with the approach to the same topic in higher education medical courses, as well as a literature review on the subject. Based on reflections made during and after the course, it is evident that the learning provided knowledge and skills necessary for managing pre-hospital emergency situations. However, it is still not sufficient for the consolidation of the knowledge that medical students should possess. Moreover, this condition is deficient in other higher education institutions. Nevertheless, the production of more updated and in-depth studies on the subject is necessary for further discussions.


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How to Cite

Giordani, F. C., Silva, L. A., Bentes , J. V. da S., Trindade, M. V. F., Saunier, K. G. S., & Reis, D. L. (2024). Knowledge about first aid in medical education: experience in training by the Red Cross. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 14(3), 449–452.

