Acolhimento aos transtornos de personalidade: diagnóstico diferencial e seguimento no contexto da atenção primária




This article discusses personality disorders, with an emphasis on differential diagnosis and management and follow-up strategies in the context of primary care. Personality disorders are characterized by persistent and inflexible patterns of behaviour, cognition and interpersonal functioning that deviate from the individual's cultural expectations, causing considerable suffering and damage. In this context, the study aimed to describe the main types of personality disorders, highlight their characteristics and differentiate them from other mental disorders, as well as exploring diagnostic tools and instruments used in primary care. The methodology employed included a literature review. Management strategies combining pharmacological, therapeutic and psychosocial interventions were discussed, emphasizing the importance of psychosocial support and the support network in the recovery process. The continuous training of health professionals and the implementation of evidence-based clinical guidelines were highlighted as essential to improving the quality of care and promoting patients' mental health. This study contributed to the understanding of the issues associated with personality disorders and provided recommendations for clinical practice, reinforcing the need for an integrated, patient-centered approach.


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How to Cite

Garbis, D. V. de O., Coelho, V. S., Correa, V. T. M., Alvim, R. B., & Noacco, P. H. P. (2024). Acolhimento aos transtornos de personalidade: diagnóstico diferencial e seguimento no contexto da atenção primária. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 14(2), 382–389.




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