Os embargos declaratórios como instrumento impeditivo da estabilização de decisão concessiva em tutela antecipada requerida em caráter antecedente





Civil procedural law; Interlocutory relief in the context preliminar; Stabilization; Motion for clarification.


The Code of Civil Procedure, by providing for the institution of interlocutory relief in the context preliminary, admitted the possibility of stabilizing the granting decision in cases where the “respective appeal” is not filed. This procedure was included in procedural legislation with the aim of meeting urgent situations in which the common civil procedure, by itself, was not capable of guaranteeing access to justice. However, the legislator was not clear enough when establishing the instrument preventing the stabilization of the decision in interlocutory relief, opening space for discussions regarding the possibility of applying the institute in cases where motion for clarification with modifying effects are filed. It is therefore analyzed whether these resources produce the effects provided for in art. 304 of the Code of Civil Procedure, verifying, therefore, doctrinal and jurisprudential opinions on the subject.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. L. R. da. (2024). Os embargos declaratórios como instrumento impeditivo da estabilização de decisão concessiva em tutela antecipada requerida em caráter antecedente . Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(2), 3269–3277. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v13i2.10552