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A proteção contra o risco de dano reverso como parâmetro de aplicação da regra de proporcionalidade nas atividades de controle administrativo




Controle administrativo; Dano reverso; Proporcionalidade.


This text addresses the importance of protection against the risk of reverse damage as a parameter for applying the rule of proportionality in administrative control activities. It highlights the complexity of public management and the need to balance compliance with the rules with the effectiveness of actions aimed at achieving the state's goals, especially in terms of the realization of fundamental rights. The Law of Introduction to the Rules of Brazilian Law is mentioned as an instrument that seeks to limit the impact of judicial and administrative decisions, taking into account their practical consequences. The need to assess proportionality in cases of conflict between fundamental rights and the integrity of public procurement is highlighted, emphasizing the protection of fundamental rights as a priority, with the decision-making authority having to take care not to reverse the damage caused by the measure adopted.


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How to Cite

Oliveira , R. F. de S. C. (2024). A proteção contra o risco de dano reverso como parâmetro de aplicação da regra de proporcionalidade nas atividades de controle administrativo. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 3634–3644.