Coercive Authority in the Writ of Mandamus: an Analysis of the Encampment Theory in the light of the Jurisprudence of the STJ




Cooperating Authority, Writ of Mandamus, Superior Court of Justice, Encampment Theory


The present work focuses on the analysis of the role of the coercive authority in the writ of mandamus, as well as on the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice regarding the application of the theory of encampment in mandamus. Initially, the research focuses on the study of the initial concepts of the writ of mandamus, going through its origin, constitutional provision, its object and main characteristics of the procedure. It then proceeds to the analysis of the role of the cooperating authority, investigating its legal position in the writ of mandamus process. Finally, we analyze the main points of the encampment theory, developed by the STJ in several judgments, highlighting the requirements listed by the Court for its correct application. In conclusion, it was found that the writ of mandamus is an important constitutional remedy aimed at protecting a liquid and certain right, not supported by another specific remedy, and has its own characteristics listed in Law No. 12,106/09. It was also found that it is essential to indicate the cooperating authority in the mandamus, which, despite doctrinal differences, can be considered as an informant. Finally, based on the judgments of the STJ, we realize that there are three requirements for the use of the encampment theory: the existence of hierarchical links between the authorities, manifestation of the merits of the act, and absence of modification of the competence established in the Constitution. The work uses the method of literature review and documentary research, through descriptive research and qualitative approach to the data obtained.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, A. B. de V. G. (2024). Coercive Authority in the Writ of Mandamus: an Analysis of the Encampment Theory in the light of the Jurisprudence of the STJ. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(2), 3444–3452.