O contrato de trabalho e as teorias civilista e trabalhista das nulidades





Contract; juridic business; employment contract; civilist theory of nullities.


The purpose of this article is to study the applicability of the civil theory of nullities in the scope of labor law, aiming to examine how the relationship between the legal requirements for the existence and validity of the legal transaction and the employment contract occurs. To this end, the investigation will begin with the study of the legal transaction and the contract. In continuation, the employment contract will be studied to, in the end, examine the application of the civil theory of nullities to the employment contract. This article focuses on the doctrinal elements of the civil contract compared to those of the employment contract. The research identified, in the end, that the application of the civil theory of nullities in the labor field gives rise to what labor scholars began to call the labor theory of nullities, due to the peculiarities of labor pacts. In methodological terms, the analysis of legal doctrine was adopted and the aim was to establish a debate about the existence or not of the so-called labor theory of nullities


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2024-07-03 — Updated on 2024-07-13


How to Cite

Lins, Ênio P. (2024). O contrato de trabalho e as teorias civilista e trabalhista das nulidades. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 3522–. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v14i3.10604 (Original work published July 3, 2024)