Child influencers: gambling and advertising to children




Apostas e cassino online, Influenciadores digitais, Proteção à criança e ao adolescente, Jogos de azar, Publicidade infantil


This bibliographical research aims to analyze, using the inductive method, the prohibitions related to the advertising of online betting and casinos by young digital influencers. To achieve this main objective, we outline this work in complementary lines of investigation, namely: (i) initially, we will explore the phenomenon of young digital influencers, indicating the regulation pertinent to this professional activity, with emphasis on the prohibitions brought by the Statute of the Child and Adolescent; (ii) then, we will observe the rules pertinent to the advertising of online betting and casinos, brought by Law No. 17.490/2023; and, finally, (iii) we will verify the point of convergence between the legislations, emphasizing not only the prohibitions brought to the activity, but also the consequences for the parents and guardians of those least subject to such practice. In terms of final considerations, we will present the main conclusions of this work, as well as potential investigations to be conducted by future studies.


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How to Cite

Fernandes da Costa, L., Rodríguez, V. G., & Saab Marchiori, E. (2024). Child influencers: gambling and advertising to children. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(4), 4117–4126.