Acesso à justiça e os avanços tecnológicos no âmbito do Superior Tribunal de Justiça




Fundamental Rights; Access to Justice; Technology.


With the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and under the influence of the neoconstitutionalist movement, the right to access justice was elevated to the status of a fundamental right. The constitutional text itself introduced measures to facilitate its realization. This article aims to provide a brief overview of the emergence of the fundamental right to access justice, as well as demonstrate how the use of technology within the Superior Court of Justice can mitigate financial, geographical and even cultural barriers, thereby ensuring the excercise of this fundamental right for citizens who need access to justice. To achieve this goal, the text seeks to identify some of the improvements brought about by the implementation of technological mechanisms within the Superior Court of Justice, especially concerning efforts to facilitate citizens acess to the Court. It also addresses the need for efficiency in judgments and in the judicial services provided to citizens, thus ensurign the effective fulfillment of the right to access justice. The research was conducted through a bibliographic review.


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How to Cite

Arantes, A. C. W. de C. (2024). Acesso à justiça e os avanços tecnológicos no âmbito do Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(4), 4202–4212.