The use of medicinal plants in primary health care: challenges and potential


  • Maria Clidineide da Silva Carlos Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal, Paraíba
  • Aline Carla de Medeiros Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-Pombal-PB
  • Patrício Borges Maracajá Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal, Paraíba
  • Wan Walles Pereira Nunes Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal, Paraíba



Complementary and Integrative Practices, Medicinal Plants, Phytotherapy, Primary Health Care, Public Policies


The present study aimed to analyze, through a literature review, the challenges and potentialities of using medicinal plants in Primary Health Care (PHC), focusing on their therapeutic efficacy, safety, economic impact, and sociocultural relevance within the context of Complementary and Integrative Practices in the Unified Health System (SUS). The research was conducted as an integrative literature review, using the LILACS, SCIELO, and BVS databases with descriptors related to the topic. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 articles published between 2022 and 2024 were selected for analysis. The results showed that the use of medicinal plants in PHC offers significant benefits, such as accessibility, low cost, and the valorization of traditional knowledge, particularly in vulnerable communities. Studies revealed that medicinal plants are widely used by the population for disease treatment and prevention, with lemon grass, peppermint, and boldo being notable examples. Additionally, initiatives such as medicinal gardens and "Farmácias Vivas" were identified as promising strategies for integrating traditional knowledge with scientific understanding, enhancing care humanization and promoting self-care. Despite the potentialities, the research also identified significant challenges. These include the lack of specific training for health professionals, insufficient investments in infrastructure and supplies, and risks associated with the improper use of medicinal plants, such as toxicity and drug interactions. The absence of comprehensive regulation and inequities in access to phytotherapy therapies were highlighted as critical barriers in the studies. Moreover, medicinal plants are frequently used without professional guidance, posing risks to patient safety. It is concluded that integrating medicinal plants into PHC requires an interdisciplinary approach and health education strategies that promote safe and rational use. It is essential to consolidate phytotherapy as a complementary practice within SUS, valuing traditional knowledge and expanding equitable and sustainable health access. The adoption of consistent public policies and encouragement of scientific research are indispensable steps to overcome the identified challenges and maximize the benefits of this practice in the PHC context. Thus, the use of medicinal plants can significantly contribute to comprehensive and humanized health care for the Brazilian population.

Author Biography

Aline Carla de Medeiros, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-Pombal-PB

Licenciada em Biologia, mestre em Sistemas Agroindustriais pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-PB-campus Pombal e Doutora em Engenharia de Processos-PPGEP/UFCG.


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How to Cite

Carlos, M. C. da S., Medeiros, A. C. de, Maracajá, P. B., & Nunes, W. W. P. (2024). The use of medicinal plants in primary health care: challenges and potential. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(4), 4632 –.

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