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Drones in urban and private areas: case studies and civil liability case law


  • Ana Angelica Bezerra Cavalcanti Universidade Del Museo Social Argentino



With the growing technological advances and popularization of drones, these unmanned aerial devices have been gaining ground in various activities, both in the private and public spheres, especially in urban areas. The increasingly frequent use of drones in urban and private spaces raises questions about civil liability arising from their use, considering potential risks and damages that may occur in the event of accidents or violations of privacy. In this context, this scientific article seeks to examine practical cases and case law related to civil liability in the use of drones in urban and private environments. It also aims to identify the main risks and damages related to the use of drones in these contexts and discuss the preventive and regulatory measures adopted by different jurisdictions to mitigate such problems. The research is based on an empirical approach using case studies and analysis of case law from different countries. The results obtained point to a variety of situations in which the use of drones in urban and private areas can generate civil liability. Cases of accidents with property damage and injuries to third parties, invasion of privacy, intellectual property infringement and non-compliance with regulatory standards are some of the aspects addressed. The case law analyzed shows that although rules and regulations are constantly evolving, the interpretation and application of laws vary between jurisdictions and depend on the specific circumstances of each case.


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2023-09-04 — Updated on 2023-09-04


How to Cite

Cavalcanti, A. A. B. (2023). Drones in urban and private areas: case studies and civil liability case law. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 12(3), 1502–1513.

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