Early intervention in post-stroke rehabilitation: assessment of functional recovery and quality of life





Stroke is a serious neurological condition caused by ischemia or hemorrhage in the cerebral arteries, leading to motor and cognitive impairments. Stroke is a leading cause of global mortality and disability, affecting approximately 16 million people annually. Age is a crucial factor, with the majority of patients being over 65 years of age. Although mortality and prevalence rates have decreased due to advances in treatment, the absolute numbers of deaths and years of life lost continue to rise. Early rehabilitation is essential to improve patients' functional recovery, and this article aims to investigate the impact of early intervention strategies on post-stroke recovery. This is a qualitative descriptive literature review, with a systematic search in academic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar) using descriptors such as “early intervention post-stroke”. The study, conducted in September 2024, selected original and free articles in Portuguese or English, excluding incomplete or duplicated works. The post-stroke period is divided into phases: hyperacute (first 24h), acute (first 7 days), early subacute (first 3 months), late subacute (months 4-6) and chronic (from 6 months). Recovery is highly dependent on time, with brain plasticity processes starting rapidly after stroke and varying in effectiveness across the different phases. Most significant improvements occur in the first few weeks, reaching a plateau after three months, with possible further recovery in the chronic phase with continued intervention. Early mobilization has a controversial role in the acute phase, and physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy are essential for functional recovery and quality of life. A multidisciplinary and personalized approach, combined with medication to control symptoms and prevent complications, is crucial to optimize outcomes. It is recommended to continue exploring and improving rehabilitation practices to maximize recovery in post-stroke patients.



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Author Biographies

Gabriel Dávila Conte, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, Santos, São Paulo



Filippo Resende Carlétti



Enrico Resende Carletti, Faculdade Multivix, Vitória, Espírito Santo



Olivia Duarte de Oliveira



Maria Isadora Fernandes Lima, Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, Paraíba



Mariana de Arruda Frazão, Centro Universitário do Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão



Ciro Quinan Frazão, Centro Universitário do Planalto Central Apparecido dos Santos, Brasília, Distrito Federal



Joilton Aureliano de Lima Filho, Centro Universitário Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, Paraíba




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2024-09-09 — Updated on 2024-09-09


How to Cite

Conte, G. D., Carlétti, F. R., Carletti, E. R., Oliveira, O. D. de, Lima, M. I. F., Frazão, M. de A., Frazão, C. Q., & Lima Filho, J. A. de. (2024). Early intervention in post-stroke rehabilitation: assessment of functional recovery and quality of life. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 14(3), 686–691. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v14i3.10943




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