O estágio em docência na modalidade remota: a vivência no doutorado acadêmico
Ensino, Educação a distância, Educação continuada, Teaching, Distance educationAbstract
Considering the practice of social distancing, the result of the insertion of Covid-19 in human life and routine, society needed to restructure. The area of education, which includes, among others, the postgraduate course, also saw the need to adopt new pedagogical strategies. As a way of guaranteeing the continuity of activities, technology was essential. Thus, the present study aimed to share the academic experience lived in the second half of 2021 involving the teaching internship carried out during the doctorate in public health, in the remote modality, in order to discuss the strengths and weaknesses identified throughout this process. This is a descriptive study, of the experience report type. As for the potentialities found, it is possible to highlight the democratic process of access to materials worked on in the discipline, the wide range of technological resources available and used, the possibility of asynchronous moments, the speed in communication mediated by technology, the recording resource of synchronous and encouraging the continuity of training for health workers. As for the weaknesses, unstable communication is highlighted, as a result of the connection conditions and the difficulty for the evaluation process, especially involving student participation. It is possible to conclude that the internship in remote teaching was a unique moment in academic life and that it allowed the improvement of important tools for the future exercise of teaching: listening, empathy, creativity and pedagogical adaptive capacity.
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