Education and fraternity: guiding axes of freedom human


  • José Roberto da Silva
  • Maria Iratelma Pereira
  • Aline Carla de Medeiros
  • Patricio Borges Maracaja


This article reports how education and fraternity can walk side by side. The objective will allow reflections on the theme of the fraternity campaign of the year 2022, with emphasis on the theme Fraternity and Education. The bibliographic research points to the description of the knowledge that guides human freedom, knowledge that is inherent to a wise, fraternal and humanizing life. The methodological procedure used interpretations of authors who research about fraternal and humanizing education. Life in fraternity provides human dignity. Reflecting on the fraternity campaign provides an understanding of education, interpreted not only as a duty of the school, as a function of transmitting content, or preparation for work. The fraternity campaign makes it possible to think that educating is not an isolated act, limited only to the school context. Education is the process by which individuals seek their ascension. It is through education that subjects recognize themselves as transformers of life in society. Changes in education support new attitudes of social classes, strengthening the links with the process of transformation of subjects. Education enables changes in the behavior of subjects, helping in their intellectual, cultural and social process. The perspective of a humanizing education permeates the need for changes in society, demanding wise postures capable of transforming subjects towards a liberating, human and fraternal educability.



How to Cite

Silva , J. R. da, Pereira , M. I., Medeiros, A. C. de ., & Maracaja, P. B. (2022). Education and fraternity: guiding axes of freedom human. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 11(1), 281–296. Retrieved from

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