Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its impact on guarantees and fundamental rights


  • Maria Aparecida Mendes Lopes Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Agílio Tomaz Marques Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


The present work aimed to address the legality of the maintenance of arrests in flagrante delicto for default in the payment of bail arbitrated by the judicial authority. In this sense, we addressed the principles of such a theme, since the digression from the analysis of poverty and criminal procedure, the freedom of the individual, the principles violated with such a case of maintenance of the prison, until the focus of the proposed theme. As methodology, this article is characterized as explanatory research, whose method and approach is deductive and qualitative, respectively. In the case of the research technique, bibliographical research was used in order to deepen the knowledge on the specified topic. Finally, we can see the great need for jurisprudential maintenance about the arrest in flagrante of hyposufficiency for default of bail, so that the criminal procedural law does not present, even if in a veiled way, this discriminatory character between privileged prisoners, economically wealthy and prisoners in precarious condition of hyposufficiency.


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How to Cite

Mendes Lopes, M. A., & Marques, A. T. (2023). Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its impact on guarantees and fundamental rights. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 12(2), 1256–1264. Retrieved from

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