Analysis of art. 2º Family Status (PL 6583/2013): an attempt to departing the family law of the social reality and principle of affectivity




Family Law, Principle of Affectivity, Same-sex union


For years, homosexuals have been fighting for the recognition of rights inherent to their minority, one of the most prominent being the struggle for the possibility of uniting in marriage or stable union. In this arduous battle, numerous victories have been won in recent years through judicial decisions of the STF and STJ recognizing the possibility of homosexual stable union and, subsequently, civil marriage. However, recent jurisprudential advances are threatened by Bill No. 6,583 of 2013, pending in the Chamber of Deputies, which proposes to restrict the concept of family entity to social nuclei formed from the union between a man and a woman, excluding homosexuals. The text of this project, however, goes against the current precepts of Family Law, based on the principles of affectivity, as well as the fundamental rights affirmed by the Federal Constitution of 1988, deserving analysis as to its compatibility with the Brazilian legal system.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, G. C. de O. (2024). Analysis of art. 2º Family Status (PL 6583/2013): an attempt to departing the family law of the social reality and principle of affectivity. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(2), 3453–3465.