A importância da leitura para crianças com autismo na educação infantil





Reading; Autism; Early Childhood Education; Preschool; Inclusion.


The research addresses the importance of reading in the child development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the preschool period. The general objective is to analyze how the practice of reading can help in the cognitive, linguistic and social development of these children, in addition to contributing to overcoming communication barriers. Specifically, the study seeks to demonstrate how the school environment can be organized to encourage reading, examine inclusive methodologies adopted by early childhood education teachers and identify the most effective tools to encourage engagement in reading. The research was conducted through a bibliographical review, using works by renowned authors, such as Antunes (2001) and Amorim and Farago (2015), to discuss the pedagogical strategies that can be applied to encourage reading in children with ASD. The results indicate that a well-structured environment and the use of inclusive methodologies are essential to promote interest in reading and the integral development of these children. It is concluded that reading, when stimulated appropriately, plays a fundamental role in the development of the communicative and social skills of children with ASD, reinforcing the need for targeted and inclusive pedagogical practices in early childhood education.


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2024-09-21 — Updated on 2024-09-21


How to Cite

Milan , D., Paula, A. M. de O., Schwingel , F. de O. L., Massoia , A. S. S., Frimaio , F. de F. A., Souza , L. da S. R. de, Alves, G. S., & Germani , S. da S. (2024). A importância da leitura para crianças com autismo na educação infantil. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 4007–4014. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v13i3.10990

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