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A sentença no Código de Processo Civil de 2015: princípios e aplicações




Sentence; Substantiation; Adstriction; Congruence; Inalterability.


This article analyzes the definition and relevant aspects of the sentence in the context of the 2015 Code of Civil Procedure. It discusses the differentiation between terminative and merit sentences, the principles of adhesion to the request, congruence, and the inalterability of the request. Furthermore, the importance of justifying judicial decisions and the possibilities of annulment due to lack of justification are discussed. The study highlights the validity requirements of the sentence and the essential elements for its constitution, as recommended by current legislation.



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2024-07-23 — Updated on 2024-07-23


How to Cite

Queiroz , G. D. de. (2024). A sentença no Código de Processo Civil de 2015: princípios e aplicações. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 3491–.